Dates for Beltane 2025 are April 24-27
Already have things in the works for Beltane. If you are interested in doing a workshop, ritual or vending, please give us a holler at earthspiritpeople@gmail,com.
We hope to have our parking and entrance done in time to use for this event.
Tentative Line up for Beltane
Jacob Williamson… Walpurgisnacht/April talk: “WOOSH, a kinetic history of the Witch’s Flight and Black Sabbath-Sat
The Witch of Salopia…Welsh Marches Folk Witch is going to share the magic of his home land with us. He is going to go around and film pagan interests in the Welsh countryside for us to see..
Morning Tai Chi-Ruatha – Friday, sat and Sun mornings
Crystals 101-Tiffany
Singing Bowls-Tiffany- Fri, Sat and Sun mornings
Chant workshop-Tesa
Amulet workshop – Tesa
Ritual Tea Blending – Tiffany and Jewels
Banishing and protection- Hunter
Anointing the Maypole- Acacia
Magic of Herbs – Katt
Ian and maybe Toby
Beltane Games for May King and Queen
Possible competitions: Boffer weapons, Javelin toss, Axe throwing, Archery, Noddle Jostling, etc… We take the winners from each event to put in a drawing for the King, Queen, Prince and Princess and the Littles Prince and Princess
Fri potluck and open mike
Sat Fundraiser Auction – part of this goes back into our community to help one of our members that is in need.
Food and Clothing Drive – Food and clothes will be donated to a small town food bank and clothing distribution center to help others. The clothes are also a take one leave one.
Opening Ritual
Howling Ritual…Thurs after or before opening ritual
Healing Ritual…Fri evening
Main Theater kids…Greenman…Sat night
Closing Ritual
Viking Jewelry
Ray Ray’s
Liaria’s Lair
Magical Thyme Tea Co.
Crafted ATX
Page will be updated and a schedule posted as we get closer to Beltane.