Earth Spirit People of Texas is a 501(3)(c) religious organization

Part of our goal is a place for people from all walks of life and different beliefs to be able to come together, learn from each other and build a community that is larger than our individual groups….

A Gathering of the Tribes or a Pagan UU. 

All listed events are held at DragonHeart Retreat, Current address is still 520 Red Rock Ranch Road, Red Rock, TX. We will be posting signs to help folks get to the campgrounds and parking areas.


Update on the property:

We have the back 14 acres of the land, now called DragonHeart Retreat. Our activities/gatherings will be in this new area. Please be patience, as we are still working on Permits, utilities, parking and structures. It will be a little more primitive then we are use to till then. We will have water near the HearthFyre area and will set up a shower area. We will be renting port-a-potties till we can get our bath house built.

While we do have some available campsites cleared, if you want to set up camp in the retreat area yourself, please get with one of the staff before doing anything there. Also the folks that have been coming out for the work weekends already have camps set up, check before setting up in a cleared camp to make sure it is available. We will have folks to help you find an available spot.

This Samhain we are doing a food drive for the La Care food Bank in Burnet, Tx. We will be accepting non-perishable food items at the donation booth.  


                                           We are offering souvenir t-shirts this Samhain.                                                               These will be pre-ordered to be picked up at the event only.                                   Shirts are $25 each and can be pre-ordered through Please list in the notes which shirts you are ordering and what size. Available sizes are  S, M, L, XL, 2XL.                                                                                                                                            Cut off for orders is Oct 11. 

20th anniversary Shirt  This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 20th-anervarsy-shirt-1.jpg      Organization Shirt  This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is espot-shirt-1.jpg


Next scheduled events.

                                                        Samhain Oct 24-27th                                                      

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Samhain-2024-theme-pic-sm-1.jpg

This is one of our larger gatherings. It is from Thurs to Sun. For these we have Key Note Speakers, Music, Several Rituals and workshops, as well as other activities. Check the  Gathering links for more information on these events.

Yule Dec 21


Entry and Vending fee info

Entry fee is $60 online or $70 at the gate. Saturday Pass $40
Veterans and active Military $40 at the gate or online
. (All Beltane and Samhain tickets contain a $10 membership, good for 6 months.) For all our Gatherings and events, Children 17 and under are free, but must be accompanied by an adult guardian.

We do not have any available RV spots at this time, but Dragonz Wylde does have  a few RV spots with electric and water that are $50 each. These must be reserved in advance.

Tickets can be purchased at Please add who the ticket is for and what event you are purchasing for in the notes. If you are vending, please list that in the notes as well.

For those with difficulty affording to come to our gatherings, but still want to attend, please contact us. We do have options to assist with this. We are about Community more than anything else.


Mini-gatherings celebrating the other Sabbaths.

 These are $20 per Adult or $10 if you are willing to host a workshop or ritual. We are working towards being able to celebrate all eight Sabbaths in some form. These will be, for the most part, one day events. People will be allowed to come out the day before to set up camp and stay through Sunday. These festivities will be on that Sat starting around 10am and will include some workshops, a craft that is aligned with that sabbath, a ritual and a potluck.


                         Men’s and Women’s Weekends                            These are $20 or $10 if you are doing a workshop for the event.  We try to hold these in the Spring and Fall before the two main festivals. Which one you attend depends on your perception of your gender. These gatherings are where we usually do the coming of age rituals.We have FB Groups for these events, if you are interested in joining one do a FB search for Women of ESPOT or ESPOT Men and request to join. If you have trouble doing this, contact Joy Anderson for the Women’s group and Belenor for the Men’s Group.


We try to keep our Gatherings Family Friendly.

Working toward this, children are free and are welcome in most of the workshops and rituals. We even try to have some that are geared toward the younger folks and we are working on a playscape area. We have a trampoline that we will be installing in ground. while we do have some playscape equipment, donations of equipment in good condition will be welcome. Parents are responsible for their children in this area.

We do not babysit your children, though. If you bring them, you are responsible for them. We also ask that underage children not be at the Hearth Fyre (our main Fire) after 10pm. If they are there later, a parent or guardian must be with them.

Our gatherings are NOT clothing Optional

We do not have a clothing optional area. 


Your 6 month membership in our organization is included in your Beltane and Samhain ticket price. Our gatherings are not open to the general public.


2nd & 4th Sat Work and Play Weekends

These are Community/work weekend to give folks a time to gather as well as do maintenance on the land and projects. Those that wish to help with land maintenance and festival prep are welcome to come out Fri evening and set up camp. If you just want to come out and see the land and hang with us Sat night, that is cool too. Camping is available for those that do this as well. You do not have to be a member to come out, you are a guest of the board for the weekend.

On work weekends, we work mostly on that Sat, Sunday folks are welcome to work on personal campsites. You are welcome to come out on Friday evenings after 6pm. If you are coming out Fri, let us know so we can have someone there. Please bring hand tools for clearing brush; mostly Loppers, small chainsaws, rakes, gloves. There is no working on the areas during the week as we need a board member there when we have have folks out. Sat evening we do a potluck meal and have fun. For those that are coming out just for the evening, camping is encouraged.

Upcoming work weekends for 2024

We are adding a 2nd work weekend to each month so that we can be ready for our events. We are hosting Samhain in DragonHeart Retreat

Work weekends are the 2nd and 4th weekends. Beltane and Samhain months are every weekend as a work weekend.

The winter weekends are subject to cancellation if the weather is too extreme. This will be posted on the Facebook group page, Earth Spirit People of Texas and in the Facebook event for that work weekend. We will try to update here as well. You are welcome to email us at [email protected] or call or text Acacia at 512-663-3354

2nd and 4th Sat Dates and Oct dates for 2024

 Sept 14th & 28th, Oct 5th, 12th &19th Nov, 9th & 23rd, Dec 14th & 28th

